Costa Rica Residency for Retirees
Are you thinking of getting a residency for retirees in Costa Rica, to enjoy your pension?
Do you (or your spouse) have a lifetime monthly pension of $1,000 USD?
If this is your case, it is a very good option to obtain a residence as a Pensioner.
Taking into account that your pension must be for life. In addition, pensioners do not pay taxes on income from outside Costa Rica. Once you obtain your residency as a pensioner, you will be able to enjoy all the benefits that come with being a Costa Rican citizen, such as Social Security and Public Health (CCSS or Caja), which covers pre-existing conditions.
If you are married and have children, then your wife and children can be dependents and obtain residency. When you obtain residency.
They must also renew their status every 2 years and prove that they were in CR one day a year. A temporary resident can apply for permanent residence after 3 years. In fact, with permanent or temporary residence you can enjoy all the rights of a Costa Rican citizen, except that you cannot vote.
Requirements for Pensionado Residency
- FBI Police Record with its Apostille
- Birth Certificate with its Apostille.
- Vitalisia Pension Letter for $1000
- Passport
- Consular registration.
6. Marriage certificate (if applicable).
7. Eight passport size photographs
- All the documents should be apostilled in your country of origin (if your home country is not part of the Apostille Convention, the documents should be authenticated or legalized in the Embassy of Costa Rica in your country of origin).
Contact us:
if you live in Costa Rica and need the following documents, JAROS offers you service of processing and obtaining them at the additional cost:
* FBI Background Check & Apostille ($550 USD)
* Birth Certificate & Apostille ($450 USD)