Workers and companies can now benefit from the exemption of fines and interest for arrears with the Fund
May 5, 2022
Migration extends all expired DIMEX from October 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022
- Measure is in addition to the extensions made to different documents such as licenses and Costa Rican identity cards
- The measure applies from 10 January 2022.
The General Directorate of Migration and Aliens informs public, private and public institutions in general that due Resolution No. DJUR-0197-12-2021-JM published on January 10, 2022, it has extended the validity of all Migratory Identity Documents for Foreigners, known as DIMEX, that have expired since October 1, 2021, until September 30, 2022, for renewals of the migratory categories of Permanent Residence, Temporary Residence, Special Categories and the subcategory of Stay.
The measure responds to the current situation in the country, and in order to continue guaranteeing public health, considering the institutional impact as a result of the health emergency due to COVID19 and the high rate of contagion by the Ómicron variant. Likewise, in that the General Directorate of Migration and Aliens will make a change in the CURRENT document OF THE DIMEX, for which it is necessary to execute a controlled transition before the implementation of a new software for the registration and printing of a migratory identity document for foreigners, and therefore the change of equipment in the central and regional offices that provide the documentation service, necessary for the issuance of the new version of DIMEX.
*Thus, the validity of all DIMEX of foreigners authorized to remain in the country under the migratory categories of Permanent Residence, Temporary Residence and Special Categories, and Migratory Subcategory of Stay that have expired after October 1, 2021, is extended until September 30, 2022.*
All persons who have a renewal appointment between January 11 and 21, 2022 will be attended, either at the offices of the Bank of Costa Rica, at the VES Windows of Correos de Costa Rica, or at the central or regional offices of Migration. As of January 22, 2022, no DIMEX renewal procedures will be carried out in any of the aforementioned offices.
If the user has already made the renewal deposit, they may present themselves from January 12, 2022 at the central or regional offices of Migration, to start the management of the return of their deposit, at the corresponding time, presenting the payment receipt.
Once the automatic extension period has expired on September 30, 2022, the foreigners must renew their DIMEX in the following three months, according to the ordinary procedure. It is also important to consider that, if the cédula was already expired before January 10, 2022, you must cancel the fine corresponding to the months pending before that date.